When it was evening, He sat at the table with the twelve disciples……Now as they were eating, Jesus took the bread, an blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” And He took the cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, “Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins…” - Matthew 26: 20, 26-28
What sorrow this picture above the Altar itself brings to viewer’s mind. Jesus eating his last meal with the twelve disciples. Surely Jesus used this opportunity to share with them the deepest desires of His heart. We must let our imagination go a long mile, noting Jesus is holding the rapt attention of each of His followers. Perhaps he is telling them of His Father’s great expectations of them. Or, could it be that He is presenting that beautiful outline of their patriotism for His New Kingdom? Or perhaps encouraging their loyalty and determination to continue to practice by precept and example, the meaningful purpose of their “King of Kings.” If the viewer looks closely, it will be observed that the cup of grape juice on the table in front of Judas has been turned over and its contents spilled out and running off the table, due to his nervousness over the eventual betrayal.
This is the only picture that does not have a recognition on the picture itself to who it came from. This beautiful picture was presented to Christ Church by the Haeuber: Lena and Anna.